PWHA 2024 Western
Show Schedule
2023 Western
Class Schedule
Rules and Reminders:
- Administration fee is $5.00 per horse per show.
- $8.00 per class for members/ $10.00 for non-members
- Correction: Lead line classes may cross enter into the Grooming and Showmanship
- All open classes shows must have a minimum of three entries in order to proceed.
- Riders may enter any division they are qualified for. If they enter more than one non-open division (Walk/Jog 12 & Under, Novice Rider, Novice Horse, Junior, or Adult) they must elect prior to riding in the division, which division's points will count toward end of season overall awards. All points will count for end of season division awards.
- Lead Line riders may not enter any other division.
- If less than three entries per class, class may be canceled or combined.
- Novice Horse and Novice Rider entries accepted for first two years of competition only.
- We allow one substitution mount if your horse has a lameness. Must have vet certificate.
- Schooling will be allowed prior to the show from 8:00 to 8:45. Schooling will also be allowed during the judge’s lunch break.
- Prince William Horse Association, Four Winds Farm, Staff and Volunteers will not be held responsible for accident, loss, injuries to exhibitors, spectators, or animals, or damage to equipment of any kind.
- Points will be awarded as follows:
7 pts.
3 pts.
5 pts.
2 pts.
4 pts.
1 pt.
- Riders must show in 3 of the 7 shows to be eligible for year end awards.
- Dress is casual. The requirements are a boot with a heel, a belt, a hat or Helmet and neat, clean clothing. Sleeveless shirts are allowed but NO halter tops or spaghetti strap shirts! It is entirely up to the individual whether you wear “fancy” western clothes or not.
- No poor sportsmanship or bad conduct will be tolerated by any participant or spectator
- The use of any illegal equipment (bits, tack, etc) will be grounds for DQ.
- The judge has the authority to excuse any horse from a class due to lameness.
- The Judge’s and/or Show Manager’s decision is FINAL
- Show management has the right to combine or cancel classes/divisions with less than 3 entries.
- Age or rider is determined “as of” Jan 1, 2022
- Unjudged rounds will be allowed at regular entry fee.
- SEI certified helmet REQUIRED for anyone under 18 in games AND speed classes.
- It is the responsibility of the exhibitor, parent, or trainer to enter riders and horses only in a division in which they can compete safely! If a rider or horse is deemed unsafe they will be pulled from the class/division and ribbons/points will be removed.
**** $25 RETURNED CHECK FEE ****
Don't forget to
bring your Coggins!!
Shows begin
promptly at 9:00
For show information:
please contact Julie Mathis
(h) 703-754-7873
April 14
May 12
June 9
July 14
August 11
September 15
October 6
We will be having a "Tack Swap Table" at each of our english and western shows! Bring any items you have out grown, are not using, etc. New and used items welcome!
due to the excessive heat warning, the western show for July 14th has been postponed