Volunteers Needed !!
Not only is PWHA non-profit, family-oriented and a healthy show environment for our children to experience competitive riding... it has another very distinguishing feature. It is a totally volunteer organization. This helps keep the cost of membership and classes down and allows more opportunity to ride.
To maintain this status however, we need volunteers at every show. If every family of the 350 entries per show would help out at one show per year, one to two hours per show, we would be covered! The work is minimal, but results are tremendous!
We will have a new list format for volunteering this year. A schedule will be available on show day for the current show and the next two shows. This will allow for more planning if parents need it. Sign-up will also be available on the website (A list with all show dates will also be on grounds). Volunteers are needed for the following duties:
- Setting up jumps: removing jumps from storage and setting them to standard and set pattern.
- Working the gates: opening and closing gate for horses/rider to enter and exit the arena for three to four classes or one hour shifts. All help will be appreciated.
- Working the entry booth: especially mornings and before afternoon classes. Will assist in helping fill out entry forms and take fees from riders.
- Handing out ribbons: perfect task for children to do.
- Runner: bringing paperwork, etc., from announcement stand to entry booth, perfect for children and teens.
If there is some other way you would like to help, please feel free to contact our volunteer coordinator
Kristin @ 540-270-5528, 703-468-0822.
Remember, if everyone chips in a little, the job is much easier for all! Looking forward to working will ALL of you!
We would like to thank our Sponsors!!
Please support them
Year End English Sponsor State Line Tack
Year End Western Sponsor Schneiders Saddlery
English Division
- Novice Rider Pleasure

- Novice Horse Pleasure

- Childrens Pleasure High Tech Auto and Truck Center
Western Division
- Working Ranch Horse Division
Our PWHA printing
is beautifully done by
Nokesville Print & Copy Center
We have a few divisions that
need sponsors.
Please contact Shallon Thoreson (703)754-7873
Annual Awards Banquet
December , 2018
We will be having a "Tack Swap Table" at each of our english and western shows! Bring any items you have out grown, are not using, etc. New and used items welcome!